Sec. 7-164. Regulation of Water Uses.
Standard Water Usage Restrictions and Conservation.
(1) Lawn sprinkler systems shall be scheduled for operation in accordance with this ordinance at all times. The maximum rate of water demand by residential sprinkler systems shall not exceed 15 gallons per minute and shall operate in accordance with the following schedule.
Prior to any use, commercial consumers must submit an irrigation system plan and/or lawn sprinkler system plan which must be pre-approved in writing by the District Manager. The maximum rate of water demand by commercial sprinkler systems shall not exceed 50 gallons per minute unless said commercial user submits an irrigation system plan with justification for variance from this restriction, which is pre-approved in writing by the District Manager. Notwithstanding the restriction of 50 gallons per minute, commercial consumers who have an irrigation system plan in place as of the date of this Ordinance which has been pre-approved in writing by the District Manager are not subject to said 50 gallons per minute restriction. All consumers shall irrigate and use District water in accordance with the following schedule.
All residential houses & commercial businesses (using potable water) with odd numbered addresses may water Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, from 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM.
All residential houses and commercial business (using potable water) with even number addresses may water Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, from 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM.
No sprinkler systems allowed to water on Monday's.
(1) Special permits for new lawns may be obtained from the District to allow for a 30-day period for establishment of the lawns. Please call (605) 232-4211 to make arrangements.
(2) The District shall have the authority pursuant to this Ordinance, but not the obligation, to disconnect sprinkler systems and/or water service, at the main or curb-cock, of any consumer who violates this Ordinance and/or does not adhere to the watering schedules set forth above.
(B) Prohibited Acts During Water Emergency.
The proclamation declaring a water emergency shall set forth one or more of the following actions as being prohibited during the water emergency:
(1) Watering of lawns, trees, bushes, shrubs, gardens and other vegetation except at such times and at such locations as the District Manager or his/her designee shall deem appropriate under the circumstances.
(2) Washing of automobiles, trucks and other vehicles. Filling, in whole or in part, swimming pools.
Your Home – Intermingled with parks, basketball courts, walking/biking trails, golf course, pond or green space views. All protected by covenants and design guidelines for a quality area to live.
Community Improvement District Office
335 Sioux Point Road
Dakota Dunes, SD 57049
Community Association Office
600 Stevens Port Drive, Suite 117
Dakota Dunes, SD 57049
Commercial Association Office
335 Sioux Point Rd, Suite 100
Dakota Dunes, SD 57049
Community Improvement District
Community Association
Commercial Association
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